Sikaflex 505 UV One-Component Silane-Terminated Polymer Adhesive/Sealant

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- Sikaflex® 505UV - Grey one compononet adhesive
- 20 oz sausage uni-pack
- Chontains no solvents or isocyanates
- Suitible for use on a wide variety of substrates including aluminum, steel, glass, marble, wood and many different types of plastic.
- Excellent UV and weathering resistance,

Sikaflex®-505UV is a one-component silane terminated polymer (STP) with excellent UV and weathering resistance, and excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates including aluminum, steel, glass, marble, wood and many different types of plastic.


Sikaflex®-505UV is suitable for use on a wide variety of substrates; including aluminum, steel, glass, marble, wood and many different types of plastic.

Product Benefits

- Contains no solvents or isocyanates
- Low VOC content
- Excellent tooling characteristics
- Fast curing even at low temperatures
- Easily paintable
- Non-yellowing

Areas of Application

Sikaflex® -505UV is suitable for use on a wide variety of substrates; including aluminum, steel, glass, marble, wood and many different types of plastic. Seek plastic manufacturer’s advice before using on plastics that are prone to stress cracking.

More Information
PDS Sheet Click Here
Weight (lbs) 2.220000
Pack Size Each
Brand Sika
Grease Fitting No
Storage below 77°F (25°C)
Shelf Life (storage below 77°F (25°C)) 9 months, unopened
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